Subject: Hi Friend, have you signed up for my dedicated 'schools newsletter'?

Hi Friend, you recently downloaded my free Funding Resource for Schools. 

Are you aware that I also now send out a free monthly update, specifically for schools? (in addition to a more general update each month.)

This is the update I have just sent out - if you would like to receive these in future, please sign up at this link: Schools Newsletter otherwise I won't be able to send it to you (GDPR.....).

Hi Friend

There's just a few more weeks before that well earned Summer break! I know this has been a stressful year for most schools, but you have done it! You've got through. With a little bit of luck, next year you will be able to focus more time on education and enrichment - and less time on risk assessments and guidelines. 

I know money (or lack of it) will be a huge problem, and although I can't promise to fix all your funding and budgeting woes - I am able to give you some pointers towards grant funding and enrichment opportunities for schools.

This is the first 'school specific' newsletter that I have sent out - and do feel free to pass it on to colleagues, or friends in other schools (they can sign up direct here)

Each month I will send out news of forthcoming opportunities with a few hints & tips to make the application process a bit more straight forward (hence my business name...)

If you haven't already, you can download a FREE resource created to support schools here. The resource contains links to 15 funders, plus some basic information to get you off the mark.

Your first Straight Forward  Funding News:

The London Mathematical Society has a major commitment to mathematics education, and offers the following grants schemes to teachers and other educators:
  • Small Grants for Education
  • Individual Grants for Teacher CPD
  • Multiple Grants for Teacher CPD
  • Grants for Teacher CPD: Teaching and Learning in HE
Full details of the criteria and eligibility of each scheme is listed on the website (blue link above)  - but to give you an idea, this is the detail for the Small Grants for Education:

To stimulate interest and enable involvement in mathematics from Key Stage 1 (age 5+) to Undergraduate level and beyond, by:
  • enhancing and enriching mathematical study beyond the curriculum;
  • engaging the public with mathematics;
  • encouraging unusual ways of communicating mathematics.
The scheme is primarily intended for activities for which there is limited scope for alternative sources of funding. Applicants linked to universities should ideally be supported by a member of the Society and ordinarily the Scheme will not fund University outreach activity. However, anyone based in the UK is eligible to apply for a grant. Application Deadline 31st August, grants in the region of £600 - £800.

Grants of up to £1,000 are available to support relevant science teaching or promotion initiatives, or to support developments likely to lead to an improvement in the teaching of any aspect of microbiology. Deadline for applications: 3 October 2021

Specific projects may include:
  • Organising a visit to or from a working microbiologist (no more than £200 in expenses may be claimed per visiting microbiologist)
  • Running a school- or college-based science week activity (e.g. hands-on or programme of talks)
  • Supporting microbiology activities in an out-of-school science club
  • Buying materials and equipment outside of normal department resources to support a microbiology activity (no more than £500 can be used toward large equipment such as microscopes and incubators). Such requests should be accompanied by a detailed description of the proposed microbiology activity. For examples of suitable microbiology activities for schools, please see the MISAC guidelines
  • A class visit to a microbiology laboratory to carry out activities
I'm aiming to keep these updates short and sweet - and to the point! They will come out once or twice per month, depending on funder deadline dates - but if you want to unsubscribe, just click on the link at the bottom of this email.

Otherwise, I will be back in touch in a few weeks.

If you want a more in depth discussion about how I can support your school - feel free to get in touch to arrange a (video for now) chat.

Take care,

Lisa Jagger
Need a bit more help?

For up to date news on grant funding sources, join my free Facebook Group: Straight Forward Funding Sources

For school specific news about grant funding, and enrichment opportunities sign up to my 'School Specific' monthly newsletter: Sign Up Here

For a more general free monthly newsletter that covers community focussed funding opportunities: Sign Up Here

Free downloads available on my website: Find out more here

Are you just starting out in the 'not-for-profit' world, and not sure what to do next? Download my Straight Forward Funding Toolkit here to answer many of your current questions, and plan out your next steps. Priced at just £5 -  save yourself a huge amount of time and stress!
10 kingston ave, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire HD5 9HH, United Kingdom
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