Subject: Friend it's no joke. Why now is the best time to digitize your pictures

While pictures tell a thousand words, these cartoons showcase the urgency to preserve your photo legacy

The Photo

Organizing Dilemma

Wednesday, August 25, 2021



While a picture is worth a thousand words, the adage also applies to the message within cartoons. We found these two decluttering cartoons. Each showcases why now IS the perfect time to have your pre-digital photos professionally scanned.


Illustration credit: Bob Eckstein

Next to passing along money to future generations, another valuable possession is sharing your family history. To digitize, narrate, share the stories behind the photos.

Click for Your Menu of Photo Scanning Services

Ready to preserve your photo snapshots? ScanMyPhotos is here to help

Illustration credit: Kendra Allenby

Caption: “You’re wrong, Ted, this is absolutely the right time to organize three decades of photos.”