Subject: Friend Here it is. Early access to your 50% Off Black Friday sale

Imagine having about 1,800 photos digitized for as low as $72.50. That is today's early access ScanMyPhotos Black Friday Deal


Early Access

Sale Today

Order Now. Save 50% On unlimited fill-the-box photo scanning and all extras. Promo code: "50OffScan"

ScanMyPhotos Early Access BLACK FRIDAY Sale

 50% Off*

STARTS TODAY. Use promo code: "50OffScan"

The countdown has begun


*Pay as little as $72.50

to get about 1,800 pictures digitized

at ScanMyPhotos

Limit 12 boxes. Discount applies to all add-on extras, professional high-resolution, same-day scanning, instant uploading, EVERYTHING

 Must order today



Discover Magazine just published this article with a ScanMyPhotos mention on: “Why Do We Feel Nostalgia? The pandemic has made many of us nostalgic for the past. Mental health experts say it can be a force for good or bad in the human psyche.” Written by Carina Woudenberg.

Why Nostalgia Will Replace Turkey Dinners on Thanksgiving