Subject: Friend Digitizing Home Movies, Slides and Photos Just Got Easier

Looking for an easy way to digitize your old home movies, slides, negatives, and photos?


Welcome to Thursday's

ScanMyPhotos Journal

"The Smartest Way to Digitize Home Movies, Slides, and Photos"

Dear photo archivists,

Hey, It’s me, your home movies. You know, the ones you’ve been sitting on. The memories you’ve been storing. The ones that are slowly fading away. I know you’re busy, but I just wanted to say that it’s time for us to go digital. I know you don’t want to lose me, but you will if you don’t act now. So, let’s get started before it’s too late.

After your photos are digitized, watch and share them on your computer.

Looking for an easy way to digitize your old home movies, slides, negatives, and photos?

If you’ve got piles of old photos and videos just sitting around your house, then it’s time to finally take advantage of all the cool new technologies that are out there to help you digitize them.

This stuff isn’t hard. You can get it done in no time with just a few clicks. I mean, think about it. Why would you want to keep piles of old photos and videos just sitting around your house when you could just scan them with a few clicks and then send them straight to your smartphone, tablet, or even to your TV?

End the Procrastination.

Get Digital Copies Today.

You might be surprised by how many people still rely on physical photos, film negatives, and home movie film that they haven’t yet digitized.

Nowadays, you can watch anything from anywhere -- on any device at any time. So, there’s no excuse not to take advantage of this affordable technology now available to digitize pictures before they are lost forever.

Here’s How to Do It

The Smart Way.

If you have stacks of photos and old VHS tapes piled up around your house, have it digitized. With the right services, you can have your photo scanning done easily and quickly by professionals who know what they’re doing.

Then enjoy your memories on your favorite computer device and upload to the cloud for safekeeping.

What Are You Digitizing?

Do you have a collection of home movies or photos gathering dust on your shelf? Anything analog that recorded the moments of your life must be digitized to preserve those memories.

The all-new photo scanning service is today's smart photo preservation hack.

Where Can I Digitize My Photos?

There are many different ways to digitize your photos: you can use a photo scanning service, upload them through a social media platform or scan them yourself.

Which of these methods is best for you depends on what size your collection is and how valuable it is to you. A photo scanning service might be overkill if you only have a few photos from vacations or back in high school. Getting them onto Facebook and other photo-sharing apps might seem too labor-intensive if they’re special family photos—but digitizing them yourself could take forever.

If hundreds or tens of thousands of 35mm slides need digital versions, a photo scanning service is the best solution.

Anything analog that recorded the moments of your life must be digitized to preserve those memories. If you have a collection of home movies or photos gathering dust on your shelf, it’s time to get them into the digital world.

Having preserved one billion pictures, ScanMyPhotos has designed a smart solution to help archive and share your treasured photos and home movies with families, friends, and generations down the road.

Thanks for reading today's ScanMyPhotos Journal