Subject: WARNING: Wildfires and Hurricanes Will Destroy Your Pictures

How to protect your family photos from natural disasters

ScanMyPhotos Journal

Thursday, August 11

"How to protect your family photos from natural disasters like wildfires and hurricanes."

WARNING: Wildfires and Hurricanes Will Destroy Your Pictures

In today’s ScanMyPhotos Journal, we share a stark reminder of why everyone you know should be planning ahead and scanning their photos – their family history collections – before the next natural disaster hits.

We all know how devastating it can be when natural disasters like wildfires and hurricanes strike. If you have precious family photos stuffed away in drawers, they could be lost forever when disaster strikes. Digitizing them will make them safe from natural disasters and provide peace of mind knowing that your family has digital copies of all their memories.

At ScanMyPhotos, the daily challenges we face are calls by people sharing stories. They explain the “good news, bad news.” Their home was destroyed by a natural disaster, yet their photo albums were spared, as they previously had everything digitized.

Others are less fortunate. They ask how to restore water-damaged photos, 35mm slides, home movie film, and other irreplaceable family images. We recently received an order to digitize about 900 pictures from Louisville, Colorado. Sadly, the customer’s home was destroyed by a fire; several of the irreplaceable photo memories had burn marks on them.

To avoid the heartache of losing your most precious memories, we are here to help.

Our three-plus decades as photo archivists have led us to becoming a top media source for our innovations. We regularly share advice on the best ways to preserve your photo memories.

Everything You Need to Know About Preparing For Natural Disasters

David Pogue, the New York Times bestselling author and “CBS Sunday Morning” correspondent, published the primer on “How to Prepare for Climate Change.” Mr. Pogue is a six-time Emmy Award-winning technology and science correspondent for CBS Sunday Morning, New York Times bestselling author, host of science specials on PBS NOVA, and 2020-trained Climate Reality Leader.

This segment on “CBS Sunday Morning” shares more tips on where to live to protect you from climate disasters like wildfires and hurricane storm surges.

In How to Prepare for Climate Change, David Pogue offers sensible, deeply researched advice for how the rest of us should start to ready ourselves for the years ahead.

Mr. Pogue walks readers through what to grow, what to eat, how to build, how to insure, where to invest, how to prepare your children and pets, and even where to consider relocating when the time comes.

How to Prepare for Climate Change: A Practical Guide to Surviving the Chaos