Subject: 🔓Unlock Budget-Friendly Pay Over a Year Scanning!

New way to pay over time at ScanMyPhotos on our fill-the-box services.

Should we keep buying now/pay later?


Got a tight budget? Are you or people you know working on a massive scanning project? No worries! We've got you covered with flexible payment options spread out from weeks to a whole year. Cheers to stress-free scanning! 🎉

After the USA Today article dropped, we've been getting questions about rolling out a payment-over-time feature. Through Sunday, we added it for everyone on a budget with loads of photos to scan using our prepaid box service!

If enough people use this budget-saving payment service for their digital makeovers, we will keep it on the checkout page for our popular fill-the-box services. Details below.


The countdown clock for "buy now, pay later" ends tomorrow