Subject: The ask: Why your photo archival story will inspire many

Help in our mission to protect family archives from natural disasters

A BIG Ask From ScanMyPhotos

I know your inbox is more crowded than ever. That’s why we are making this subtle one-time ask. If you are a natural storyteller with a compelling experience from why you had pictures digitized, we need your help.

If you enjoy sharing personal narratives and want to inspire many, please add your photo archival story on Google and Yelp.

From your grateful photo scanning archivists at ScanMyPhotos.

We love sharing photo archival stories. Especially now, to help inspire many.


Why the urgency?

This Matthew Cappucci (Washington Post Capital Weather Gang Meteorologist) article explains the urgency and our passion for helping many: “After a quiet start, Atlantic hurricane season could ramp up into September. The activity could increase as we enter the historically busiest time of hurricane season. August came in like a lamb — but its exit may not be as mellow.”

Billions of irreplaceable photo archives are destroyed yearly due to natural disasters like wildfires and hurricanes.

Sadly, news profiles like this prior Weather Channel TV news feature keep happening.

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