Subject: NEWS PEG: Don't Let Floods or Fire Destroy Your Photos - The Importance of Digital Preservation!

Subject: Why to plan ahead before a natural disaster destroys families photo history

Friend, News Story Pitch

SUBJECT: Importance of Digitally Preserving Vintage Photos Amidst Natural Disasters.Section

(April 4, 2023) Irvine, CA -- Are your vintage photo albums at risk from a natural disaster?

As a photo archivist with more than 30 years of experience, I can offer valuable insights, guidance, and first-hand accounts that underscore the critical nature of this topic. By sharing my expertise, I hope to motivate, caution, and assist individuals in preparing for the future.

Friend, you understand best the devastating impact natural disasters can have on communities and their belongings. That's why I am writing today to discuss the importance of digital preservation for vintage photographs.

People cherish their old photo albums to preserve their family history and capture memories of past generations. However, these photo albums, 35mm slides, and vintage home movies risk being destroyed in a natural disaster. Floods, hurricanes, and wildfires can wipe out homes and decades of precious memories.

This is where photo scanning services like ScanMyPhotos and our digital preservation come in to solve a long-procrastinated problem.

By digitizing these vintage photographs, we ensure they are protected from natural disasters and preserved for future generations. In addition, digitization allows for easy access and sharing of these photos with family members across the globe, increasing the reach and impact of our collective nostalgia.

You have a unique platform to spread awareness about the urgency of digital preservation for vintage photographs.

As part of sharing this message, can we work together? This story will protect everyone's shared history and memories from the unpredictable forces of nature--or even just due to the ravages of time as analog photo snapshots fade away?

This prior TV news profile (linked below) exemplifies the persistent issue of people procrastinating until AFTER a natural disaster strikes before taking action to digitize their photo collection.

Friend, I'm passionate about helping protect our nation's nostalgia and grateful for your time and consideration.

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Mitch Goldstone | CEO | | 7 Corporate Park, Irvine, CA 92606 | Email: 

WATCH: The Weather Channel prior profile on the urgency to protect pictures from natural disasters