Subject: It JUST happened again!

Read why natural disasters will never destroy your photographs.



May 16, 2022 (, Irvine, California)

The Untold Story of Wildfires and Hurricanes. Planning Ahead Means Never Having to Worry.


  1. Nobody ever thinks they will lose their irreplaceable family photographs until it happens.

  2. As the nation's photo preservation experts, we're all too familiar with hurricanes and wildfires tearing through neighborhoods and destroying lives and property.

  3. No one ever thinks they will lose their precious photos to such a calamity.

  4. Please plan ahead. It is crucial to digitize and back up your snapshots so that your priceless memories would still be preserved if such an event were to happen.

  5. It happens every day. We just received an order from Louisville, Colorado, Nearly everything was to a wildfire. The pictures we digitized were rescued, yet heavily smoke damaged -- several were scorched with burn marks.

Friend, have you ever had a fire or storm surge from a hurricane destroy your irreplaceable family photos?

I'm writing to bring attention to an overlooked natural disaster weather problem that affects people nationwide. Our passion is preserving photographs, raising awareness about this emotional, preventable issue, and inspiring everyone to plan ahead.

From the "3-P’s" (People, Pets, and Pictures), nobody will ever need to rush back into their home to find their photo albums when they have seconds to evacuate.

Too often, the weather reports are just on the forecasts, the natural disaster, and the aftermath. Yet, preparedness is essential to help people plan ahead. Each year billions of irreplaceable family photos are destroyed. If all are digitized before, they will be protected.

There are too many instances where people do not digitize their photographs, slides, film negatives, and pre-digital home movies. Then, natural disasters happen, and they lose everything.

Beyond the ravages of time which cause pictures to fade away, the weather is the top reason billions of photographs are destroyed each year. Yet it is 100% preventable if people plan ahead, digitize their photos, and back them up.


Don't let these weather events destroy your lifetime of irreplaceable family photographs.

Don't Let This Happen To You!

Please watch this Weather Channel story to see how you can secure your lifetime of photos.