Subject: Friend how to earn commissions and partner with ScanMyPhotos

Learn how to get paid when your ScanMyPhotos referrals lead to an order


We're excited to announce our new affiliate marketing program designed to pay you.

Nobody knows our story better than you. We are passionate about photo preservation and our partnerships. This new affiliate marketing program is straightforward – we pay you for orders connected to your recommendations

What's In It For You?

This is your opportunity to become a partner with us. Share in the revenues linked through your recommendations. It is super simple and free to join. Sign up and get reviewed for approval within one day.

What You Do?

Post a review on your blog, social media channels, and elsewhere with a link to ScanMyPhotos. Earn commissions for sales resulting from your referrals.

Our real-time tracking guarantees timely payments for earned commissions. The offer and program terms deliver everything you need to be successful. We even can design unique promo codes using your name and provide custom, exclusive offerings.

What We Do

ScanMyPhotos is passionate about our partnerships. Our affiliate marketing program is very simple – we pay you for orders connected to your recommendations. The automated system pays you commissions for sales resulting from your referrals.

What’s New At ScanMyPhotos?

An all-new, redesigned website for faster ordering.

What’s New At ScanMyPhotos?

The Pledge Guarantee: “It’s easy. It’s fast. It’s affordable. It’s guaranteed.”