Subject: Friend how to celebrate Thanksgiving by serving up nostalgia

We all want to get back to normalcy, and digitizing your photos will help

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How to safely celebrate Thanksgiving and the holiday season by serving up nostalgia rather than Turkey dinners


We all want to get back to normalcy, and digitizing your photos will help


The holiday season will look very different this year.

This just-published Discover Magazine story explains "why Do We Feel Nostalgia? The pandemic has made many of us nostalgic for the past. Mental health experts say it can be a force for good or bad in the human psyche."

Sad news! We just reported that FORTY PERCENT of all photo scanning orders are now from families preparing for memorial services for those lost to the pandemic.

This holiday season will be how to seek normalcy, nostalgia, and remembrance from afar. That is why so many are rushing to share decades-past photos, 35 slides, film negatives, and home movie film.

The pandemic has changed the ways people are rediscovering and looking at their old boxes of photos. As we enter the holiday season, with no end in sight to COVID-19, we are reminded of the important things: health, friends, family, and shared history.


With traditional Thanksgiving celebrations replaced by virtual Zoom gatherings, we asked family historians what to do.

Read 7 Ways to Surround Yourself with Cherished Moments to Celebrate Thanksgiving From Afar.


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