Subject: Friend Call to Action: U.S. small businesses unite for Ukraine

Read why businesses across the country are banding together for a movement we call “United for Ukraine”

PRESS RELEASE. For Immediate Distribution


I need your help to

report on "United For Ukraine"

U.S. Businesses are Weaponized--stopped business as usual until Ukraine gets its sovereign rights back.

One Voice for Ukraine. Call for Every American Company to Support Ukraine

(March 1, 2022--Irvine, CA) It is time for every company in the United States to stand up–use their voices to affirm ubiquitous support for Ukraine.

It’s time to put aside business as usual to focus on supporting Ukraine. This is not a joke. This is not a drill. This is the real deal. American companies across the country must band together to support Ukraine.

Mitch Goldstone, CEO at ScanMyPhotos said "this movement 'United for Ukraine' [#UnitedForUkraine] is urging every business to redesign their website messaging, selling stuff, Facebook promotional posts, and ordinary Twitter feeds to support Ukraine."

Please take a few minutes to share this message and learn more about why this matters.

Solidarity with the People of Ukraine! supports Ukraine as a sovereign, self-governing state.

Is ScanMyPhotos remarkable? Hardly.

Alas, we are reminded of Barry Manilow‘s performance at the 2010 Oslo, Norway Nobel Peace Prize Awards and his hit song, “ONE VOICE.” See link below. Can one person or one company make a difference? Yes!

That is why ScanMyPhotos just took over its home page and stopped business as usual for this important message. Will our advocacy efforts become a catalyst for every business to follow along? Stay tuned.

Contact our CEO, Mitch Goldstone, for the story [Goldstone @]


ONE VOICE reminds us that if one person stands up for their beliefs, the rest will follow. One voice is not enough. Together, with many voices, United For Ukraine will demonstrate the resolve of U.S. companies to stand in solidarity with the people of Ukraine.


The ScanMyPhotos Story

As photo archivists for 32 years, we understand the power of pictures. The photographs coming out of Ukraine are unimaginable and horrific. Over the decades, ScanMyPhotos has pioneered many national advocacy campaigns in support of small businesses, commerce, and human rights. United For Ukraine is our most important effort ever.