Subject: BIG News: ScanMyPhotos Just Moved

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WE MOVED! And away we go. ScanMyPhotos just relocated a hop and stone throw away from Irvine, CA to Irvine, CA.
Remember when we shared the milestone of digitizing our 600 millionth picture? Then the launch of same-day scanning and instant uploading? And one-cent photo scanning? Turns out we needed more technology and advanced infrastructure to seamlessly make it all work. So we redesigned everything, added crazy new IT stuff and moved from 3 Corporate Park to 7 Corporate Park in Irvine, California. Our new corporate headquarters campus will include an outdoor French bistro and lounge area. 

*** If you sent orders to the old address, not to worry. All is good and being forwarded.

New address: | 7 Corporate Park | Irvine, CA 92606
Everything else remains the same, including the contact info and website
How to Photograph Fireworks: 6 Tips from Experts

July 4th is on Thursday – are you ready? Here are our top tips how to photograph fireworks:

1. Use a real camera

You can certainly try to photograph fireworks with your smartphone, but the results will be less than stellar. Your smartphone’s camera is just not designed to take beautiful photos at night from a distance, so leave it at home and bring your real camera.

2. Bring your tripod and a remote release device

Unless you can hold your camera absolutely still for long periods of time, plan to bring your tripod and a remote release device with you. The reason is simple: You will need to use a slow shutter speed to let in as much light as possible. If your camera moves at all, its movement will affect the photos – and not in a good way.

3. Set up beforehand

You will want to get to the site of the fireworks display early so you can set up your tripod and ensure your camera is pointing in the right direction. If you are not sure exactly where to point your camera, ask those around you if they are familiar with the fireworks setup? It is also best to be further away than closer to ensure you are capturing everything. Zoom in.

4. Adjust the settings on your camera -- NO FLASH

You will want to adjust a few setting on your camera. First, switch your shutter to bulb mode, which lets you keep the shutter open for as long as you hold it down (easiest to achieve with a remote release device). Turn off your flash, and switch to manual focus and manual exposure modes. Choose a wider aperture and low ISO setting.

5. Take a lot of photos

Remember you can delete anything that is just okay and then keep the best shots after the fireworks have ended. Shoot way more photos than you think you need. Pay attention to the timing of the fireworks – look for the smoke and sparks from rockets launching up into the air so you can anticipate when it explodes.

6. Watch the direction of the wind

If possible, position yourself upwind from the fireworks. If you end up downwind, smoke may drift in your direction, obscuring the view and ruining your photos.

July 3rd News Profile on ScanMyPhotos

Gregg Ellman, the nationally syndicated tech columnist just published this article and profile on ScanMyPhotos.

Excerpt: ScanMyPhotos has a great summer project for everyone who has boxes of photos. The company can take 4,000 photos of these images and scan them for just $40 in a one-cent photo scanning option. With that deal there really isn’t an excuse to not get your prints digitally scanned and protected.

I’m a past user of the service and years after getting my family achieves scanned, they are still looked at regularly, where the shoeboxes of closeted photos were basically never looked at when in print format.

Family Reunion Tips: How to Host a Successful Family Gathering

OK. The date and location have been chosen, you have lots of volunteers for various committees. The save-the-date cards have gone out. Before you work on the invitations, start planning with these tips to make your family reunion a memorable success. 

These family reunion tips will help create a memorable and fun time for everyone
Like any large event with high expectations, the food can make or break your family reunion. Find out what allergies and dietary restrictions need to be accommodated before you start planning the menu with your committee (if it is a potluck), the caterer (if it is not) or the restaurant or resort that is hosting your family.

You do not have to design, order, and hand out matching t-shirts to everyone who attends, but it is a nice idea to create a favor that is tied into the reunion. A softcover book that contains the family tree, a photo of families from each branch, and their mailing address and phone numbers would be nice. You could also create a photo book using archived family photos.

Invite particularly good storytellers in your family to share their stories during an “official” part of the reunion. If this is a large family reunion, it will help the various branches get to know each other better. If it’s a small reunion, it will simply be a lot of fun to hear new or “untold” stories. Digitize all the guest’s pictures to show during the event.

No matter how long your reunion is or where you are meeting, plan activities that everyone can participate in. If this is the first time the extended family will be meeting, a good idea is to plan an ice-breaker during the first evening’s cocktail party.

Because everyone will be so busy during the reunion, it will be hard to capture all the big and small moments that make up the event. Hire a local photographer who has experience shooting large gatherings, especially weddings. Everyone will love viewing the photos online afterward.

In the invitation, ask everyone to get their childhood, family vacation and other nostalgic photos digitized and then create a presentation on a TV during the gathering. Ask everyone to select their favorite songs so it’s engaging and gets everyone involved. Add the songs to your family movie. Even create a brief trailer to send out prior to the reunion to get everyone excited and begin the reminiscing.

Show all your digitized pictures, 35mm slides, film negatives and movies on a large television. Set everything up before so you just have to press the "play" button. Make sure to narrate and record the show. At the reunion, gather together in front of a large television and sync to the photo files. Set up a camcorder in the rear of the room to record the narratives, as each person shares the stories behind the pictures. This is always emotional and filled with laughter and even weeping chronicles of past events and remembrances. Provide all the attendees with a copy of the recorded walk down the genealogical path to preserve your family’s timeline. \ 7 Corporate Park | Irvine, CA 92606 |, 7 Corporate Park, 92606, Irvine, United States
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