Subject: 🔎 Why tissues are included. 🆕

Your photo history evokes powerful feelings. As you reconnect with your past, it gets very emotional.

What do tissues and photo scanning have in common? Revisiting cherished photo memories is very emotional


As you view your scanned photos, you'll notice something else is included...tissues. They are an emotional necessity for your nostalgic photo rediscovery journey.

As you embark on this time machine experience, watching your newly digitized photo nostalgia leads to searching for a box of tissues—offering comfort for moments that stir up powerful emotions. Reconnecting with your past can get very sentimental.


Elevating Your 'Magical Digital Time Machine' Experience. Unveiling the Tissue Connection to Digitizing Photos:

Why are tissues included in your digitized photos? It’s simple yet profound. Your photo rediscovery is not just about pixels and paper—it’s about emotions. And those tissues? They’re there to catch unexpected tears of joy or moments of nostalgia overload. So, when you receive your digitized memories from ScanMyPhotos, remember it's not just about the photos but the journey.

Friend, remember the joy of cracking open a box of Cracker Jacks? Those classic snack boxes are filled with delicious caramel-coated popcorn and peanuts, topped with a surprise gift inside! It's like a mini adventure, eagerly searching for the surprise hidden inside—a sticker, a toy, or a fun trinket. That excitement transforms a simple snack into an experience!

In today's competitive marketplace, companies constantly seek innovative ways to surprise, delight, and differentiate themselves. One emerging trend that is capturing attention is the inclusion of "spiffs" – extra items or bonuses – with orders, transforming the customer experience from mundane to memorable.

One example of this trend in action comes from ScanMyPhotos, the pioneer of photo scanning. In an industry focused on archiving family photo memories, ScanMyPhotos enhances the customer journey by tapping into the emotions evoked by preserving photo memories.

To foster a deeper storytelling connection with customers and due to the sentimental importance of scanning pictures, tissues are included with every order. Seeing your history, often not viewed in decades since first developed, stirs up emotions, leading to tears of joy and a flood of nostalgia.

You might think your first impulse after digitizing vintage photos is to hit "share" on social media. But nope, it's more likely to be reaching for those tissues.

• ScanMyPhotos now includes tissues with each completed photo digitization order.

• The custom-branded tissues address the emotional aspect of the customer experience.


“It took ScanMyPhotos less than two days to do what I had been trying to accomplish for ten years--The results are absolutely priceless. The single most meaningful service I’ve experienced to date. This was the least expensive and easiest. I cannot express how meaningful that was.”

Jennifer Jolly, Tech Columnist, USA Today

“I and the people interviewed for my [Associated Press] story had a great experience with ScanMyPhotos.”

Michael Liedtke, AP Tech Reporter

#GoDigital @ ScanMyPhotos