Subject: 🆕 Spring Cleaning Challenge: Declutter & Digitize Your Photo Collection!

Get an early start with our Spring cleaning challenge: Turn your photos into digital treasures.

Early Spring cleaning discount on EVERY new scanning project. BIG savings on new orders placed today when you use this promo code at checkout: GoDigital

Scanning photos is like spring cleaning for your memories - tidy up, preserve, and share the nostalgia.

Hurry! The Countdown clock is ticking on today's money-saving discount and new "buy now, pay later" program.

1. Plan Now For The BEST Spring Cleaning Project

It's nearly Spring cleaning time! Get a jump start, and don't let your photo memories collect dust and fade away. Digitize everything today with ScanMyPhotos! Preserve, organize, and safeguard your photo history hassle-free.

Today, we're launching our latest initiative, the Digital Memories Spring Clean Challenge. The challenge encourages you to declutter and digitize your photo collections, ensuring your precious memories are preserved. We help guide you with a step-by-step process. Join the challenge today and turn your cluttered photo prints and 35mm slides into digital treasures.

2. We just partnered with

Mylio Photos®

Exciting news! ScanMyPhotos and Mylio Photos® are working to join forces to revolutionize the way you scan, organize, and cherish your photo memories. A top question we get after photos are digitized is how to organize them. Mylio Photos is your smart answer.

This partnership means you can seamlessly have your photos digitized with ScanMyPhotos and effortlessly organize them using Mylio’s powerful photo management tools. Say goodbye to the hassle of sorting through boxes of old photos – with ScanMyPhotos and Mylio, preserving and organizing your memories has never been easier. Get ready to embark on a journey of rediscovery as you unlock the full potential of your photo collection together with Mylio and ScanMyPhotos.

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