Subject: 🔎 NEWS PEG: Unlock the Magic of Photo Scanning. New Innovations.

Subject: Why everything has changed; the urgency to digitize pictures.


Preserving family history has never been easier; why everything just changed for how to digitize pictures

Irvine, CA (February 6, 2023) From


Nostalgic storytelling, along with pre-digital photos are notably absent from photo-sharing apps.

When proposing an original news angle, often forgotten is the first rule of media outreach: don't pitch an idea that has already been reported. Don't retread ground that has already been covered.

In this context, these two profiles merely serve as a contextual backdrop. They don't share your unique reporting perspective on the urgency and new trends in digitally preserving the nation's history and photo memories.

"Rich On Tech" radio interview with ScanMyPhotos.

Forbes: "A fantastic online photo digitizing service."

As a professional photo archivist, I can share new insights, mentioning the latest innovations. This includes ScanMyPhotos' ScanFast same-day scanning and instant uploading allows people to share their past photos on all of the popular photo-sharing apps.

I believe there is a gripping, previously untold narrative that could motivate people to finally go through their archives of photographs, slides, negatives, and home movies to digitize them all.

Without a PR agency or fluffy language, I rely solely on my passion and 32 years of dedication to preserving long-forgotten family heirlooms.

Would you consider profiling my entrepreneurial journey and advice for people interested in digitizing and protecting their precious memories?

Quick Read: New Innovations

  • ⏩ No more delays, with express ScanFast, pictures are digitized the same-day

  • ⏩ Full 35mm slide carousel scanning, up to 140 slides digitized at high-resolution 4,000 dpi for $40

  • ext

  • ⏩ 1,000 photographs are digitized in under 5 minutes

Reach us. More info:

To set up an interview with Mitch Goldstone, CEO, ScanMyPhotos, directly reach him at: