Subject: 🆕 CNET crowns ScanMyPhotos the ultimate Mother's Day gift! ✨

BIG NEWS: Read what CNET wrote about ScanMyPhotos.

Got These?

Instant Gifts For

Special Moms.

Get ready to make this Mother's Day one to remember! Gather the family for a watch party featuring a mom's cherished photo memories—it's a budget-friendly way to bond and create lasting moments. Be the family hero by submitting vintage home movies, family photos, and slides to be digitized, ensuring everyone can share in the nostalgia and joy!

  • Order eGift certificates for ScanMyPhotos.

  • A personalized and fun keepsake to foster emotional connections.

  • The smartest gift choice for honoring all the mothers in your life.

  • 💓 We recognize Mother's Day can stir up a range of feelings. That's why we stress it's a time to honor and celebrate all the moms in your life, appreciating their significant roles and contributions.

CNET: Best Mother's Day Gift Includes ScanMyPhotos.

CNET: Memories in a shoebox. Digitizing old photos unlocks a flood of mixed emotions.

Watch the U.S. Postal Service Commercial on ScanMyPhotos and Its 'Magical Digital Time Machine.'

Excerpt: "What truly sets ScanMyPhotos apart is its commitment to preserving memories and making them easily accessible in times of urgency through its ScanFast service. For preserving family history, Mitch and his team have truly mastered the art of preserving the past while embracing the future."

"But our conversation didn’t stop there! We also peered into the crystal ball of photo archiving, discussing the exciting possibilities that lie ahead with advancements in AI and virtual reality. The future of memory preservation has never looked brighter, and I couldn’t be more thrilled to have Mitch Goldstone leading the charge."

-- The Photo Detective®


“It took ScanMyPhotos less than two days to do what I had been trying to accomplish for ten years--The results are absolutely priceless. The single most meaningful service I’ve experienced to date. This was the least expensive and easiest. I cannot express how meaningful that was.”

Jennifer Jolly, Tech Columnist, USA Today

“I and the people interviewed for my [Associated Press] story had a great experience with ScanMyPhotos.”

Michael Liedtke, AP Tech Reporter

#GoDigital @ ScanMyPhotos