Subject: 🆕 AP Reporter's Tweet on ScanMyPhotos Goes Viral! Discover Why 🔎

"I and the people interviewed for this story had a great experience with ScanMyPhotos."

Another AP Update Sparks More Buzz

We are thrilled to share that Michael Liedtke, the Associated Press reporter, just shared this update on his ScanMyPhotos story (published in 500+ media outlets). It's going viral: 5,400 views and counting in 24 hours.

"I and the people interviewed for this [AP] story had a great experience with"

-- Michael Liedtke, Associated Press

The AP reporter's updated message is poised to ignite a spark in many to digitize their collection of photo snapshots. By recommending ScanMyPhotos and highlighting the positive experiences shared by those interviewed, the reporter adds a level of credibility and trust to the endorsement. This validates the photo preservation work we have been doing since 1990 - digitizing one billion pictures - and solidifies our reputation as your reliable scanning service.