Subject: 🔎 A New Year's Resolution to Last a Lifetime (Promise!)

1) The smartest resolution. 2) Better than discounts. 3) Why we're huge CES fans.

An Easy To Keep New Year's Resolution to Last a Lifetime

Digitizing pictures is a fantastic New Year's resolution! The start of the year often brings a sense of renewal, making it an ideal time to embark on such projects. It's a great way to preserve photo memories, declutter physical photo collections, and easily share cherished memories.

Beyond Price: Top Factors When Digitizing Your Precious Photo Memories

In a world where pricing often dominates purchase decisions, certain treasures defy the allure of discounts. The journey of digitizing your irreplaceable photo archives transcends mere cost considerations. A survey conducted by ScanMyPhotos engaged 100 of our customers to uncover the pivotal aspects that surpass pricing when it comes to preserving family legacies.

Preservation Expertise: Expertise and specialized knowledge in handling delicate, irreplaceable photos are paramount. Customers valued a company's proficiency in preserving the integrity and quality of their memories over cost concerns.

Quality of Scans: The promise of impeccable digitizing retains the authenticity and details of the original photographs is a non-negotiable priority for customers.

Security and Privacy Measures: Trust in stringent security protocols ensuring the safety and confidentiality of personal photos topped pricing considerations.

Turnaround Time: Efficiency in delivering digitized copies within a reasonable timeframe without compromising quality resonated significantly among respondents. We even added for 2024 a new express service called 'ScanFast' for express same-day scanning and instant uploading of the digital files.

Customer Service: The value placed on exceptional customer service, including clear communication, responsiveness, and guidance throughout the process, outweighed any financial incentives. We even added a 100% happiness pledge guarantee!

Customization Options: Flexibility and options for personalized services, such as specific digitization requests are highly prized by customers. We designed our services so you pay only for what you want.

Technology and Equipment: Confidence in our cutting-edge technology and state-of-the-art equipment for digitization played a pivotal role in decision-making. Your pictures are scanned at a rate of 1,000 in under five minutes, and 35mm slides are scanned at 4,000 dpi each second!

Reputation and Trust: A company's reputation and established trust within the community or industry weighed heavily, often surpassing the significance of pricing models. We are famous for that, so we scored all these top media profiles.

At ScanMyPhotos, we understand that your family's history is invaluable, which is why we prioritize these crucial aspects above all else. While discounts and coupons may entice some, we recognize that the preservation of your cherished memories transcends mere pricing. But, we do feature the VERY LOWEST PRICES ALREADY.

Are you familiar with CES® (The world's largest consumer tech event)?

Since 1990, CES has been a big deal to us. We attend each year as a sneak peek into the future of tech and photography. Upon returning from CES 2024, we'll be armed with insights, discoveries, and game-changing tech updates to share with you. CES is the catalyst to make your photo scanning experience even more magical. Stay tuned for the juiciest post-CES scoops! We'll unpack the coolest tech finds and share how we are amping up our digitizing game. Psst... there might even be some surprises in store!

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