Subject: 🆕 $5.5 billion* reasons to say thank you! Magic happened!

The story on a record-breaking $5.5 billion settlement marks victorious end to our legal battle.

$5.5 Billion Thanks

A heartfelt thanks to everyone for following and all the emotional support throughout this unforgettable journey. The unwavering encouragement from all over the country empowered and lifted us. This milestone victory is a celebration for everyone and millions of businesses.

Our role since day one in this groundbreaking $5.5 billion settlement after an 18-year battle with credit card giants can lead to lower prices for everything.



Remember the movie, Erin Brockovich in 2000? Well, this is our 'Erin Brockovich-like' moment—18 years in the making. The risks of ScanMyPhotos suing the banks, Visa, and MasterCard were unimaginable, but our role as lead plaintiff worked!

This is a “David vs. Goliath” story, as we humanize and personalize the journey. Can a small business take on the banks and credit card companies and scored a win for millions? YES!

Like what we did? Pass along the story to others so we can make more history by digitizing their photo nostalgia. It means the world to us when you spread the word and recommend ScanMyPhotos.

What Next?

Claim forms for the $5.5 billion payment card settlement are being mailed now to millions of businesses.

This could lead to lower prices as millions of merchants share their recovery with you.

Exciting News for You!

Great News! What You Need to Know:

  • You Played a Part: Your unwavering support and encouragement have been instrumental in our 18-year battle for fairer credit card fees for all!

  • Big Changes Ahead: This settlement could mean better prices and big savings as retailers pass along their recovery to lower prices.

  • Your Patience Paid Off: This win is a testament to your patience and belief in us. Thank you for standing by us all these years!

  • Stay Informed: Watch this space for updates on how this settlement will directly benefit all, and visit the official court approved website for full details and how to easily file a claim of your business is elligable.

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