Subject: Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year ... 😄

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                                                                                  Friday 23rd December 2022
Hi Friend,
Seasons Greetings and A Happy New Year...
I wish you and your family the best seasons greetings, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. My thanks to every one for their support during the year. My special thanks to everyone with whom we have continued to work this year.

We already have a number of events and presentations into 2023. Our online studio has relocated out of Manchester into our new hi tech unit in a 150 year old cottage, based on the coast just outside of Lancaster. Quite a change but so relaxing. We finally moved in two weeks ago.

The builders moved out on Monday, the decorators moved out on Tuesday, the plumbers and H&E guys were out on Wednesday. Still much work to do, the challenges will continue into 2023.

This year we continued to publish our Friday Forward Guidance and Monday Morning Markets updates on the TSE website. We plan to return with our weekly Saturday Economist email updates from the 6th January. The reaction to the presentations both on line and in situ suggests the insights and over views provide clarity in such a confusing world situation.

Let's face it there is so much to think about in economics and financial markets. In January this year our analysis suggested markets were 30% over valued and so it proved. So what next in 2023? Don't miss our weekly updates.

So what's happening next? Tomorrow is my birthday. (58 years since I first began to study economics). We will spend the day with my children, their husbands, wives and my grand children. Christmas Day, we will spend the day with Mary's family.

Whatever your plans I do hope you have a safe and happy Christmas break and New Year. Do keep in touch. My personal email remains I look forward to catching up and or working with you in 2023.

Warmest Regards,
John Ashcroft : Friday Forward Guidance, The Saturday Economist, Monday Morning Markets ...
© 2022 John Ashcroft, Economics, Strategy and Financial Markets, experience worth sharing.
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