Subject: MMMs ... Asian Markets Down ... Regulation Fears Rise ...

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                                                                                                       Monday 2nd August 2021
Hi Friend,
MMMs ... Asian Markets Down  ...
The Saturday Economist Club ... Monday Morning Markets ...
This is Monday Morning Markets Special for Saturday Economist Club Members and premium subscribers. Just click on the link to sign up, if this is of interest ...
Monday Morning Markets ... Index Portfolio down 1.3%
This is The Saturday Economist Monday Morning Markets, we check out trends and movements in ten equity markets around the world ... Our Index Portfolio was down 1.3% in the week. Hong Kong and Shanghai moved lower as fears of regulatory intervention increasd. You can access the Chart Book and download the PDF using the link The Saturday Economist Monday Morning Markets
Bond Market Sentinel ... UK Ten Year Yields 0.57%.
This is The Saturday Economist Bond Market Sentinel, we track the performance of ten year gilts and bonds in the US and the UK. UK 10 year gilts yields closed at 0.57 down from 0.60 last week. US yields closed at 1.23. So much for fears of inflation, institutions just love those bonds. Life on Planet ZIRP continues, with no escape in prospect ...The Saturday Economist Bond Markets Sentinel.
Exchange Rate Updates ... Sterling closed up $1.39 ...
This is The Saturday Economist Exchange Rate Tracker. We monitor five pairs with scenario outlook to 2022 Q1. Markets were steady in the week with Sterling higher against the Dollar. Markets remain excited by Fed talk of tapering ... as if ...
You can access the Chart Book and download the PDF using the link
Crypto Wallet... up 4.1% in the week ...
This is The Saturday Economist Crypto Wallet. Bitcoin moved higher to test the 40,000 level. The wallet was up by 4.1% in the weeek. Ripple the star up 13%, Dogecoin once again in the doghouse down 7%. The You can access and download the chart book using the link. 
Empires of the Cloud Fund ... down 3.6% in the week ...
Our Empires of the Cloud Fund was down 3.6% this week. Markets had a poke at tech prices, with some profit taking after strong results. $10,000 invested in the Empires of the Cloud Fund in 2016 would be worth over $40,00 dollars today. What will 2021 have in store?
You can access the Chart book and download TSE Empires of The Cloud
Oil Prices Moving Lower ...
Oil prices Brent Crude closed up at $76.33 last week but trades at $74.42 as we write. We expect oil to trade between $65 - $70 in the second half as the long bets unwind. Is this still a realistic call? The current pattern would offset our inflation outlook. You can access our models and forecasts using the link ...The Saturday Economist Inflation Chart Book ...
That's all for this week, have a great week ahead ... We will be taking a break from our Monday Morning Markets Updates. We will be back on the 30th August ...
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