Subject: Liz Truss Goes For Full House in Buzzword Bingo ...

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                                                                                                          Saturday 30th August 2024
Hi Friend,
Liz Truss Goes For Full House in Buzzword Bingo " ...
says Tom Peck writing in The Times this week ..
Members queued round the block at the Tory conference for the former PM’s bulletproof epistemology, she was definitely right and everybody else was wrong.

The huge queues are the vindication she requires. She was prime minister for six weeks, her party lost 200 seats, but the number of people who still want to listen to her are proof that she was definitely right about everything. It was all the world’s fault, not hers.

The event was a Q&A hosted by the Telegraph’s sketch writer, Tim Stanley. “I’m going to plough straight in,” he said. “Is Britain now on the road to socialism?”

"Socialism is bad. We’re not just on the road to it. We are already in it,” said Truss.

She smiled nervously. Her blow-dried hair fluttered under the stage lights and she launched straight in to her greatest hits. Nothing was her fault. It was all the establishment, all the deep state.

Labour shows itself to be “unserious” when it dares to blame the failure of the mini-budget on her and not on the Bank of England and the Office for Budget Responsibility (who she banned from looking at it).

She also claimed that the election would have gone better if she’d still been in charge.
“The problem, she explained, was
“the neo-Marxist orthodoxies of wokery”. That’s verbatim, almost a full house of Liz Truss bingo in just six words.

The Q&A finished, she made her way out of the room, past a bank of reporters from every conceivable broadcaster and podcaster, waiting to doorstep her. None of them were gifted a word. Within seconds she was out the door and gone.

That's all for now watch out for the main story this weekend ... Animal Farm In Downing Street ... "Four Legs Good Two Legs Better" ...

To understand the markets, you have to understand the economics ...
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Animal Farm In downing Street : Coming Next
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