Subject: Solid Balsamic Vinegar: how to use it?

Dear Friend, 
It's time to break out the balsamic vinegar.
You know, that stuff we've all been using for years—and maybe even decades—to make our food tastier. But what if I told you there was a new way to use balsamic vinegar? And a new way that makes it even more versatile?
Here is how: we have introduced a new Solid Balsamic Vinegar DOP.
It's not just great on pasta and risotto anymore! Now you can use it on oysters and foie gras, fruit and ice cream, spoon cream and so much more. 
And if that wasn't enough, it also goes well with meat and fish dishes. And vegetables and salads. 
Thanks to its sweet and sour notes, it goes perfectly with cheeses both fresh and mature.
This ingredient can be reworked in the interpretations of chefs and cooking enthusiasts. 
Try melting it and then reforming it into something else, into any shape
Or you can cut it into layers to obtain transparency or dry it to increase its crunchy density. You can even turn it into powder or crystallize it. 
No matter how you use it, it is an elegant and classy product that can elevate your Customers’ dishes to the next level.
Don’t miss the opportunity to be the first one selling this super new gourmet product! Write to me to get it now.

Also, we are going to have a webinar on the 15th of July at 14:00 (Italian time) in which I will talk about how an innovative product can give you a big competitive advantage and can differentiate you from your competitors and help you make more sales at prices that you decide. 

And I will for sure present this new wonderful product.

Book your virtual seat below!

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