Subject: May, it is time for Summer Truffle!

Dear Friend,

Summer is finally gettin closer in Italy, and so is Summer Truffle!

You can find it from May 1st to November 30th

This truffle is characterized by a very rough and obviously dark colored surface. It has a very pleasant, more delicate flavor, almost similar to that of porcini mushrooms. 

But it is still an excellent solution for the summer months. The price is definitely more affordable than the others.

Try it in our Truffle Cream, Truffle SauceArtichokes and Summer Truffle CreamSpecialty based on Pesto and Summer TruffleMayonnaise with Summer TruffleKetchup with Summer Truffle and much more.

P.S. have you heard about our Truffle Dream box? That's a very elegant box with the best of our Truffle Assortment. Don't miss this opportunity and write to us to know more about it.

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