Subject: Are you looking for a delicious Easter?

Dear Friend,
Spring is (finally) in the air and that means only one thing: Easter is just around the corner! And your Customers are certainly feeling it as well so we would like you to get ready for that before it’s too late.
When your Customers think of Easter, what are the first things that come to their mind? Exactly: sweets!
In Italy we love to eat chocolate in every shape and size during this period of the year: children, for example, are very happy to receive chocolate eggs with a small surprise inside that is normally a toy.
But chocolate is not all… Did you know that Easter is a lot sweeter in Italy, where we celebrate with all kinds of treats, especially Colomba

Colomba is a special and fluffy cake full of raisins and almonds, it is the most typical Italian Easter tradition. And I think that this year, you should suggest some of this Italian sweetness to your Customers.
And no wonder, you, me, and all of us know that these treats are an essential part of the holiday
I can tell you there are people who are such big fans of chocolate and Colomba that they are waiting the entire year for this week. Perhaps some of them are among your Customers.
Of course, Saporalia can help you with this!
You may ask “how?” and OK, now I want to help you. 
I suggest you to give your Customers the opportunity of tasting a bit of Italian tradition with their loved ones, while sitting at their table, and this celebration will become even sweeter.
For example: what do you think of some tasty Colomba? what about some Zabaione, a sweet cream, for dessert, served with fresh fruits? Or you can also choose among many kinds of Pralinas: Gianduja with a soft chocolate heart, Espresso Coffee, Coconut, Pistachios and much more. These are only a few desserts among our sweet’s assortment. 
Saporalia has everything you need to make your Customers’ Easter just a little bit more delicious this year… Not to mention unique. 

So, just write me to know more about it. 

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