Hi Friend. Hope you are doing well. This is a quick note to remind you that the Drone Swarm is coming up this Wednesday evening, 5-9pm at McClellan Park.
And - we now have photos of many people who are attending posted on the event website here: http://bit.ly/2cPldHB
As we were hoping, it includes someone from the FAA, a legislative expert, drone service providers, university researchers, FPV racers, and more people from all across the drone ecosystem.
There will be an FPV race demonstration at the event. It's going to be very neat and interactive... dont' want to share more beforehand. We are also working on some exciting extras for people who attend. Can't promise anything yet because they aren't all 100% certain. We are working hard to finalize them so we can tell people about them asap.
If you have already registered, thanks! I look forward to seeing you there.
If you haven't yet and plan to be there, please register here: http://bit.ly/2cPldHB
If there were some open questions or issues we still need to work out before you register, please let me know how I or Bruce Parks, the President of Drone Pilots Federation, can help.
Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend, and I hope to see you Wednesday if you want to be there.
Brett 210-753-0843