Subject: [SJS] Have you experienced the power of Amethyst?

The stone, Amethyst is part of the crystal quartz family of stones and it has become one of the most popular stones used in human history. I have always felt a kinship with this purple crystal but recently I made a study of amethyst. What I discovered were some interesting facts that may not already know.

  • Birthstone for February
  • Zodiac sign Aquarius- January 21 – February 19
  • Planet - Uranus
  • Crown Chakra - where divine essence enters the body
  • Wedding anniversary for 4th and 6th and 17th year of marriage
Mystic Lore

Many cultures have mystic lore associated with this purple stone but my favorite is from the Greeks.

The word Amethyst comes from the Greek word “Amethustos” meaning “not drunken” or in other words, sober. According to Greek mythology, a god named Dionysus (son of Zeus known as Bacchus in Roman mythology) got intoxicated and was insulted by a mortal. Becoming enraged he created a fierce band of tigers to take his revenge out on the next mortal he met. Soon after a woman came walking by. Her name was Amethystos. On her way to the temple to pray to the god Artemis, unaware that the tigers were about to pounce on her. Looking down from the heavens Artemis spared her by turning her into a statue of crystal quartz. Seeing this, Dionysus regretted his actions and as an act of offering poured wine over her turning the transparent crystal from clear to purple. 

After having read that, is it any wonder that Ancient Greek and Roman cultures thought anyone drinking from a goblet carved from Amethyst couldn’t get drunk?!

Mystic Uses

Amulets or charms made from Amethyst have been worn for a variety of reasons:

- protected from illness, obedience to their parents
Knights - protection from enemy soldiers or spies
Roman Soldiers - remain calm, retain courage in battle
Shaman - spiritual visions
Middle Age Catholic Bishops and Priests - piety and celibacy

Carved with symbols:

Bear - help hunters find game- frighten evil spirits
Sun - protection from witchcraft
Moon - protection from sorcery
Scarab - rebirth
Hearts - protection for both the living and the dead

In the past Amethyst was considered as valuable a gemstone as diamonds. In fact Amethyst can be found in many royal jewelry collections in museums around the world. The highest quality amethyst was found in Russia prompting Catherine the Great (1729-1796) to wear them. In the 18th century Queen Charlotte of England had a famous amethyst bracelet valued around $2,000 pounds sterling but 200 years later the value drops to $100 pounds, largely due to a huge deposit found in Brazil.

Amethyst can be used to create good Feng Shui in your home or office by placing stones in these Bagua areas:

  • Northeast- Spiritual growth and self-cultivation 
  • Southeast- wealth and abundance 
  • South- Light within, also fame and reputation

Some Properties of Amethyst:
  • promotes inner peace 
  • enhances cooperation 
  • dispels fear and aids stress relief 
  • protects against negativity 
  • helps with nightmares 
  • encourages sobriety 
  • helps to recall dreams 
Clearing and Cleansing Stones

I like to cleanse my Amethyst from unwanted energies by placing them in a wooden bowl filled with coarse Sea Salt for 24 hours or to boost the cleansing power place the bowl under a full moon and leave them overnight.

The true power of Amethyst is held in its visual appeal and the spiritual connection with in ourselves. Have you experienced the power of amethyst?

New stones arriving every week! If you don’t see what you’re looking for email me at and I will try to locate the item for you.

Knowledge Is Power!


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