Subject: Saint Gianna Beretta Molla Intercession With Our Lord And Savior Granted➕

Saint Gianna Beretta Molla Intercession With Our Lord And Savior, Jesus Christ, Granted.
People pray every day to our beloved patroness to grant an intercession through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  Below is an intercession that was granted by such an intercession betwen Lisa Booth, Saint Gianna, and our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and we wanted to share it with our subscribers.  

My daughter was 16-weeks pregnant.  Two days before her ultrasound, I dreamed of the name, Gianna; although the baby would be namedTalia.  I called my daughter to tell her of the dream, and she insisted that she would name the baby Talia and not Gianna.  But the name Gianna kept being repeated in my dreams.

When my daughter went for her ultrasound, she learned that there was no heartbeat. We moved her to the hospital for another opinion and learned the existences of a sameno heartbeat. While I waited in the waiting room, I prayed. I felt the need to Google search specific prayers for my daughter and her baby. Anything to hold on to hope and to help the situation.
As I scrolled through the Internet, I saw a prayer for pregnant mother’s pregnancies in distress and babies in distress. I clicked on it to find a prayer to St Gianna. As I read her biography, I learned about Gianna’s birth to her daughter, Gianna, and Gianna’s death three days later. Not speaking a word of this to my daughter, I watched her make decisions on behalf of her unborn child putting herself at risk in order to preserve her baby’s body. She labored and delivered a beautiful little human who laid in the palm of the doctor’s hand.
My daughter began to develop complications with excessive bleeding. After an emergency surgery was performed, she recovered quickly. I told my daughter about Saint Gianna and how I believe she interceded with my daughter’s life, the baby’s life, and the life of her family.
It was critical that she survived this birth, because she had three small children and a husband at home waiting for her. Saint Gianna would not allow my daughter to die, and she let me know of her presence through my dreams. Being born and raised Catholic, I had never heard of her before until now. Thank God that Saint Gianna came into our life. We will be forever grateful!!

Document Available : Hospital and medical records as well as written documentation of the conversations about the dream of Gianna
Option Selected: I grant the Society of St Gianna the permission to edit and post my intercession

Saint Gianna, Continue to Pray For Us!

May God Bless and Watch Over You and Your Loved Ones!

The Society of Saint Gianna Beretta Molla – Board of Directors

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