Subject: [Mastermind] DYS 3 LIVE SESSION #2 - Clinic Video: Integration
[Mastermind] DYS 3 LIVE SESSION #2 - Clinic Video: Integration
June 2nd, 2017 at 10:31 pm EDTHello, Here is the Live Group Session #2 video replay. Following the last group session video introducing the concept of integration, which I hope resonated in places with things you have ...
[Mastermind] DYS 3 LIVE SESSION #1 - Integration
May 18th, 2017 at 2:09 pm EDTHello, Here is the Live Group Session #1 video replay. Thanks for you patience about the tech hiccup and delay in getting this out. The topic covered in this video is "integration". It is ...
[Mastermind] DYS 3 LIVE SESSION #1 - Integration
May 18th, 2017 at 11:10 am EDTHello, Here is the Live Group Session #1 video replay. Thanks for you patience about the tech hiccup and delay in getting this out. The topic covered in this video is "integration". It is ...
[Indiana Riders 3 DAY!] Mentorship Weekend is Coming
March 3rd, 2017 at 1:21 pm EDTGood morning! I hope you are doing well in this peculiar winter we are having! l know Mary Ellen has been in touch and wanted t ...