Subject: [NEW Sessions with Karen] Hello Trail Blazers!

Hello ladies!

I trust you have been enjoying a cosy winter, whether in the Midwest or in warmer climates!

If you're watching for an email in January you will have noticed it's in fact February... I went a bit "off grid" and owe you the scoop, so here it is.

When we started our second series of sessions in December, I quickly saw that my idea of a 30-45 min "technical" session was tending to warp into far longer in practice. Time to step back and take another look!

My ongoing commitment and intention is to provide content that not only serves, but serves in the highest order I can deliver - that can be consumed, taken IN then taken OUT to the pasture and actually support the practical acquisition of skill that brings the Joy of discovering the next 'trail' along the pathway these horses seem to have laid out for us.

So I wanted to take my “reverse engineering” of the Feel mindset a level deeper - specifically to answer to the biggest elephant in the room: what exactly is it that makes it possible not to use escalation in a challenging situation, why is it an advantage to firm up through Feel, and how does one do it? The techniques are not that difficult - what makes them effective is the 'stuff' that fuels our actual feel and timing. That part is where a 'deeper' skill-set makes all the difference.

I relish this type of directed deep-dive because in my experience, every such Pull that lands me in a "Zen phase" tends to reveal more than I expected. It's just how it works. This was no exception and I can't wait to share it with you - particularly
because it stems in large part from our discussions at our clinic in September, your questions, feedback and patterns of challenges.

So you see, it's all your fault ;) :)

You're the inspiration behind the evolution in this next layer, that is. It takes a village, as they say and I'm so grateful that you are along for the ride.

I'd love to get cracking again on our live sessions, starting next Thursday 11th and do hope you will be game to join in with us.

So, are you in...?
Please let me know by replying to this email!

To you and your horse,
as always,


The Art of Riding LLC, 3394 Loudon Street, Granville, OH 43023, United States
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