Subject: [Indiana Riders] Register Now for 5 Clinic Tutorials with Karen!

Hello Indiana ladies!

Thank you all for your interest and Wow, our first session on November 17th is in just a few days! This will be the first of 5 tutorials, based on selected footage from our September clinic.

Click the green button to register, so that you get the session invitations!

Please note that this invitation is only for our five Indiana clinic riders, so please do register and come to the live sessions if at all possible :)
As a reminder, here is the full list of dates:

Tuesdays at 11:00 CENTRAL/12:00 EASTERN on:

November 17th
November 24th
December 1st
December 8th
December 15th

We will take a look at the clinic sessions you experienced and take that understanding deeper, and of course, answer questions that come up.
It is truly amazing how much there is to see when you start studying these videos! I look forward to getting together again.

We start NEXT Tuesday, so go ahead, click the green button above to receive the session notifications :)

To you and your horse,
as always,

The Art of Riding LLC, 3394 Loudon Street, Granville, OH 43023, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.