Subject: [Indiana Riders 3 DAY!] Thank You All

Good morning,

I can hardly believe it's a week since our clinic. We have discovered a new variety of swamped at our house - college applications and more paperwork than one might dream existed!

But back to the clinic - I hope you enjoyed it, gained new insights of interest to you along with strategies and techniques to adjust to fit your horse in ways that make sense to you both - and that you left with clarity about how to develop your skill. 

On behalf of the group, I want to offer much gratitude once more to Mary Ellen, Virgil and family (especially Butler) for being such truly fabulous hosts. Your contribution is so very much appreciated - without it, we could not immerse into this discovery process and explore understanding our horses to better "fit" them in this way. It's so quiet and peaceful too - we couldn't ask for a better location. So... thank you.

Another note of gratitude goes out to Karen Tinsley, back with us this time, and committed to our cameras all day long, quietly capturing footage that will help reveal the horse in new ways to all of us and to other horse-lovers along the way. I also want to thank you all for being so gracious about 'modeling' :) 

In case anyone was not in the room when I gave an update on this topic -  my commitment to providing on-line course material remains 100%. It is a challenge of significant proportion - perhaps 80% of what is happening "drops out" of the footage, yet needs to be properly communicated (in full and within a tangible framework), if the material is to be useful in practice. This is my "prime directive". I am currently taking an innovative course re: a shift from on-line content to supporting an experience through the on-line medium. So far it is fascinating and pledges to assist this process greatly.   

In the meantime, Deanne made a suggestion that was effective in unlocking part of my concern around what "drops out" of the video - plus Bev missed a lot this time (we were all SO glad to see Dan return to the clinic - just wonderful!). So I'm doing some rough editing of our footage for this group to see privately - please regard these as private to you for your viewing only. Here is the first, starring our very own Mary Ellen :)

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And remember - I do not leave Earth after our clinics, I just go back to Ohio :)  I do remote coaching in UK, Ireland, Spain, Denmark, Canada, Russia, South Africa and the you are not remote at all! There is certainly nothing like working in person with your horse, however there is also nothing like working on video - both have their distinct merits.Something to keep in mind if you feel stuck.

Last but not least, I'm always listening: tell me your experiences, insights, achievements, feedback and questions.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

To you and your horse,

The Art of Riding LLC, 3394 Loudon Street, Granville, OH 43023, United States
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