Subject: [Indiana Riders 2016] Update - Ask Me Anything Session

Good evening!

Thank you for your feedback, which I value greatly - this is the stuff I need to know! The great feedback as well as the issues some of you are experiencing.

I'm thrilled to hear the layers we are "drilling into" are proving helpful in the way intended - to "install" awareness step by step about how to "read" and assess the Feel of Your Horse. There is no better way to get with his Feel, so you can then influence him right where he is, in a way that fits him. On the other hand, you can't film some of this and it takes quite a bit to say - I want to pass on the keys with the treasure chest, not just the keys!

This means the sessions have continued to run long (and will be chunked up). We've also prepared quite a 'launch-pad' for shorter remaining sessions dedicated to building on practical skills and applying them - which tie right into these layers so far. Get ready for 'clumps of puzzle pieces' coming together!

I had hoped that the automated Replays would be adequate for this first go around. It seems not, due to the obvious limitation in controls. When I tested stopping to resume later it picked up where I left off, however it seems this is not the case in some setups - very frustrating (for me as much as it must be for you!)

SO! I have decided to take some time "out" to make the replay sessions available with controls. I don't want anyone to feel left behind or frustrated because they have less 'flex time' or find the session length trouble-some. This is quite an endeavor time-wise, so I will need to "Pause" our live sessions, restarting in early April, so we can finish before the clinic.

With family 'extras' like Spring Breaks and Easter for some of you, I hope this will not be too disappointing for those of you who enjoy the live sessions. I am re-building last week's session (3/17 - high winds broke link) and will make that available as soon as possible.

Thank you all,
Have a great week :)


The Art of Riding LLC, 3394 Loudon Street, Granville, OH 43023, United States
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