Subject: [Indiana Riders 2016] Ask Me Anything Session

Hello and good morning!

The good news is we will have ourselves a clinic on April 30th/May 1st - Thank you so very much to Mary Ellen for being so willing to host us at her lovely, so perfect place :) I will send out a link soon for registration,

The not so great news is that high winds in Ohio caused our broadcast on Thursday to be cut off. I may be able to re-construct it if my local audio recording was unaffected. If not, we will do a re-do :) So hold the horses and I will update you asap!

This gives you more time to send in your questions!  Here's a reminder of last week's message:


This is rather a perfect moment to ask... how are you doing?

Before we shift gears and dive into a collection of releasing techniques and their applications it seems a good moment to do a Q&A type session tomorrow. I'd like to make sure this is flowing ok for you, or if not, how I can help:
  • Are the concepts starting to sound familiar? 
  • Are you beginning to get a feel for how this works?
  • Have you had a chance to work with your horse this winter - how is it going?
  • Do you see value in this for your partnership with your horse as you gain experience? 
  • Are the sessions too fast, too slow, just right?
  • Do you like to view them once, more than once (or feel like skipping!)
  • What else?
If you cannot attend the live session, please do email me your feedback and let me know what's on your mind or you have questions about.

See you soon!

To you and your horse,


The Art of Riding LLC, 3394 Loudon Street, Granville, OH 43023, United States
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