Subject: [Indiana Riders 2] Important updates and a Bonus too!

Hello ladies,


I know more than some of you have been having a extra, super busy week and few have had a chance to view last week's session, at least in full: "From Escalation to Education".

Rather than blasting on ahead with another new session tomorrow, I think it's best we do a 'catchup' week. 

AND! I have put together a printable guide for y'all to go with last week's session. I hope this will be of help to you and would love to know if it is (or isn't) and what you like (or don't)!

Here is your link to .PDF (printable) file:
Please note! This is a 9 page, printable file with graphical illustrations, so it may take a little patience to download (larger file). Hang in there!

Also Sue and Mary Ellen have kindly offered to co-host a Spring Clinic 2016 for us! More on that very soon. Tentative dates: April 30th/May 1st.

Have a great evening.

To you and your horse
as always,


The Art of Riding LLC, 3394 Loudon Street, Granville, OH 43023, United States
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