Hello and thank you for joining us to dive into "The FIVE Principles of Release" this week 2 of 6!
Here are the links for the support materials for Session 2 - "WHY is the magic fleeting or elusive?" (how a shift in principle reliably reaches the 'more' in your horse):
Video links: - Applying Feel and Release in your lead-rope -- the power of a released float!
- Releasing an Ease of Connection Through FEEL (when horse is tight and inattentive)
covered a lot of information in the session today! As you think things
over, please feel free to post on Facebook to share your experience with the group: - what resonated with you the most and why?
- what questions come to mind?
- would you say your horse shows some characteristics of the "hum", "grumble" or "bumble" archetype?
- what happened when you went out to experiment with your horse? For example:
- Did
you get a feel for the neutral "sweet-spot", the place where that
changes to "adding brace" (when you or your horse takes slack/float out,
above the sweet-spot) or where it changes to "adding release" (when you
offer more slack/float so the belly of the rope goes lower than the
sweet-spot)? [see video and try it with a friend!]
- Did you try releasing more rope/float towards your horse as you step away, when you might normally take slack out of the rope and/or approach your horse? [see videos]
If you prefer not to use Facebook, email is great too! Here are the details: Coming soon - watch for a second email with the replay link!
To you and your horse, Karen