Subject: Hey Friend, , you’re gonna crack up

OMG {CONTACT NAME}... this is hilarious!

My good friend Daven Michaels just put up a commercial and it’s got me
cracking up!

Check it out here:

The commercial is for the Virtual Entrepreneurs Association (VEA) which
you should also check out…

...mostly for the Mt. Everest-sized pile of exclusive discounts that
members enjoy.

Actually, here’s a quick list just so you can appreciate the scale of
savings that VEA has to offer:

Over 55,000 Restaurants
500,000 Hotel Properties
35,000 Movie Theaters
35,000 Business & Personal Services
13,000 Entertainment Options
33,000 Shopping Offers

And you can access all that for less than the price of a cup of coffee...
per week!

But also… because of my relationship with Daven, you can test drive
VEA for FREE for a limited time.

Click here for more info >>

Here's to your success,

Robert Prieto

P.S. VEA also provides world-class training, community support, and
mentorship… pretty much everything a business owner needs to achieve
their business goals.

So if you own a business, or are thinking about starting one soon, you
should check it out!