Subject: Better than finding money in your laundry

Hey Friend,

Yesterday I was perusing the discounts page inside my Virtual
Entrepreneurs Association membership…

Because along with the big nationwide names...

**like Target, Office Depot, Budget, Avis, Cinemark, HelloFresh, etc.

...I was told there are lots of local businesses offering special deals to
VEA members too.

And lo and behold I soon found a 15% off deal for a restaurant I visit at
least once a week.

Local place. I’ll probably go for lunch today. And save!

I haven’t gone through all the discounts with a fine-toothed comb
(there are A LOT!), but I’m excited to spend more time browsing them.

I have a feeling that I’m going to be cutting a hefty chunk off my business
and travel expenses too.

At the very least... I know I’ll save enough to cover the paltry cost of a
paid VEA membership.

I think you should take a minute, right now, to check it out.

I can almost guarantee that several business / travel / entertainment / or
food services that you regularly use are on the list.

And right now it’s completely FREE to sign up for a VEA trial membership...

Click here for more info >>

Here's to your success,

Robert Prieto

P.S. The VEA Free Trial registration page also has one of
THE GREATEST commercials ever recorded…in my humble opinion that is.

Take a minute to watch it. Laugh your butt off. And if you have the power
to nominate Daven Michaels (that wig!) for an Emmy, please do.