Subject: Your Success Advantage is built to Multiply the Power of a Single Signup.

Your Success Advantage is built to Multiply the Power of a Single Signup.

If you promote most other programs, they don't multiply the power of one. If a person joins another program under you, then you have one chance to turn that signup into a sale. If they buy that program, then you make money. If they don't then you don't earn anything and you don't have the chance to try to sell that person anything else.

Your Success Advantage multiplies the power of one signup. That person joins from one of your lead capture funnels into YSA. Matthew will try to get them to buy the upgrade and become a full member of YSA. If they do, you earn a commission. However, it doesn't stop there.

Matthew will keep trying to get that person to join other programs under you as well, like Unlock Your List, Supercharged Solo Ads or dozens of others. If they join those programs, they will go under you in that program as well. Some of them will upgrade in those programs, where you can earn a commission.  
Some of them will PROMOTE the program they just joined, but because they have NOT UPGRADED to PREMIUM, they PASS UP the first 5 referrals TO YOU.

This process continues for as long as that person stays on your list. Matthew keeps building trust and promoting programs forever. If they don't like this promotion, then maybe the next, and so on and so on. This is how Matthew runs his own list and how he runs yours too. Something for everyone.

This is why it is so important for you to do two things.

The first key to success is to make sure that you have linked all the programs in the Affiliate Sites section. Log into the member's area and click on Affiliate Sites in the left hand navigation. Then click on Sites To Link. If that page is blank, then you are all set up. If there are sites listed on that page, then follow the instructions to link them until they have all disappeared from the Sites to Link Page.  See the step by step video.  Watch by clicking here.

The second key is to maximize the number of prospects you have under you at Your Success Advantage. Every time you bring a new prospect into our world, then that is another person Matthew can work on turning into a customer on your behalf. The longer you wait to build your list, the more competition there is for every signup. The time to take action is now.

A quick check of the tracking shows over 5,000 signups at the different sites in the Your Viral Network which can be directly tracked to Your Success Advantage. That number is going to keep rising and how many of them are in your downlines will totally depend on you getting all the sites linked and the number of prospects you have under you in the program.

You can add those Prospects by promoting the lead capture funnels in the YSA member's area or programs like Unlock Your List, which transfer your signups to YSA. You can also have me do paid advertising for you in the Paid Advertising Program which guarantees a certain number of signups for your ad spend.. If you invest in the program now, you will have your Prospects in your account in 2 weeks or less.
I'm Here to Help.
Rich Moyer

Proof that This System Works:  Look at all the New Referrals - Less Than the Last 24 Hours.  This is all that fit on one screen.

(I have deleted lines that reveal commissions earned)