Subject: Schedule your Black Friday Extreme Solos NOW

4 Words:
Black Friday
Cyber Monday
Do NOT Sell products or services on Safelists.  Safelists are great for BUILDING YOUR LIST, but not making SALES.
If you don't have your own list, what should you do?
Go with a list of PROVEN BUYERS.
Go with a list of a Network Marketing Icon: Frank Salinas
Get these Extreme Solo Ads to Frank's PRIVATE LIST NOW 
- timeslots are disappearing FAST
Schedule your Extreme Solos for Black Friday and Cyber Monday NOW
Frank charges $250 each (check his website).
As an inner circle member, I bought a BLOCK of EXTREME SOLOS available for resale at Frank's suggested price of about $100 each.
Only 29 Left at $99 each.  PRICE GOES UP FOR CHRISTMAS
Rich Moyer