Subject: Just Playing... and yet...
I have been offering many tools, training, and ideas about creating content using AI lately. Like others, I am simply fascinated by this new technology, and amazed at what it can do in a short period of time. I'm not looking for this to replace my brain, but to stimulate my aging brain with new ideas, some interesting approaches, and alternative perspectives.
Yesterday, I viewed a webinar replay where Frank Andres "the Giveaway Guy" talks about an absolutely free way to generate TONS of leads.
I was just playing around with my WorldProfit AI Toolkit this morning, and in minutes after describing what I wanted with a simple natural language prompt, I created a 500 word children's story. Two minutes later, I created an AI picture of playground equipment that I used to create a book cover. A little editing with the free Google Docs word processor, Download as PDF, and within 30 minutes I published my ebook to my website.
About the Tools
I happened to use the WorldProfit AI Toolkit, which is included free of charge with the WorldProfit Silver or PlatinumVIP upgrade. WorldProfit has SO much more to offer even as a Silver member, including tools for landing pages, prospect manager, newsletters, articles, ebook creator, training, and support unmatched on the internet.
I created the ebook cover with the WorldProfit Graphics Creator, included free with the WorldProfit PlatinumVIP membership.
Creator.AI is available only today as one of the packages offered with the 5 Dollar Friday 2023 Do-Over
WorldProfit Cool Tools included a free access to Crayon.AI, where I generated a graphic of playground equipment.
Included with my Gmail account is Google Docs.
Curiosity and idle time yielded a nice ebook I'll probably offer as a lead magnet, or maybe sell on Amazon. You could do this too.
Rich Moyer