Subject: A little Motivation, Process, and Consistency YIELDS RESULTS
I cannot say it better than Matthew Graves did, so I am forwarding his email to my Lists.
I have consistently been on the Leaderboards for Launches of Matthew's sites.
Today I am number 17 out of 50 with 121 Signups for the Your Success Advantage Pre-launch.
I hold 2 Founder positions, Lifetime Pass member, I am Site Partner at 100 Percent Mailer,
and have 18 Premium memberships.
I continue to USE, and SHARE MY PROCESS with my subscribers.
YSA Founders are even told the BEST and WORST sites to promote, and
the performance of EACH landing page. Talk about low-hanging fruit!
Click Here to INVEST in YOUR BUSINESS by becoming a FOUNDER yourself.
Founder Memberships start at $250.00
Rich Moyer
(Excerpt from "Founders Update - The Tortoise and the Hare" by Matthew Graves)
I am sure that you have heard the story about the tortoise and the hare. Even though the hare was the faster runner, the tortoise won the race because he kept moving all the time, while the hare took breaks and got complacent. If you watch the Founder Leaderboard at the bottom of each of these emails, you see the same race going on every day. Some of the Founders in the Top 50 for referrals just keep plugging away, getting at least a few new signups every time I update the list. Others make a big jump and then don't add a new member for a week or more. The difference is consistent action, just like the tortoise and the hare. Those Founders who are consistently promoting each day and using the top converting sites keep inching up in the rankings. They are gradually overtaking those who may have bought some advertising a couple of weeks ago, but aren't taking consistent daily action since. Traffic and conversion IS a "Numbers Game" and you have to be working the numbers in your favor to win. The average Founder in the Top 20 of the Leaderboard has sent 56,508 visitors to their lead capture funnels. For that effort, they have added 3,917 Prospects to their funnels at an average conversion rate of 288 visitors per signup. They are sending high volumes of better than average converting traffic, and most are doing so daily. The Top 20 have generated 63% of all the traffic to Your Success Advantage and have over 70% of all the Prospects. Some have bought traffic, or upgrades at sites, to multiply the effectiveness of the time they are spending on their businesses. However, I know some of the Top 20 that have done it all with 99% effort and little or no cash investment. There is no reason you can't work your way up to the Top 20, even if you are just starting today. Like most things in life, achieving success in Your Success Advantage is SIMPLE BUT NOT EASY. You just need to generate lots of visitors, who are paying attention, to the highest converting funnels. I give you the numbers on which funnels are best converting and which traffic sources are best converting. Follow the plan and you will get signups. It's SIMPLE. The only way to fail is to not send enough visitors or send low quality visitors that don't convert. The NOT EASY part is having the discipline to put in the hours everyday to execute the plan at the highest level possible. Cutting out low value activities in your life to spend more time generating traffic. Making sacrifices today for the future growth of your business and income. Staying focused on promoting one opportunity long enough to get results.These are the parts that most people struggle with. The more quality Prospects you give me to work with, the more sales I can make on your behalf. Average conversion rate on most professional advertising campaigns is 1 to 3%. If you give me 100 quality prospects, then I can probably get you 2 or 3 upgrades. If you only give me 10 prospects to work with, then I will probably not be able to make any sales for you. No one can. Like I said before, traffic and conversion IS a "Numbers Game" and you have to be working the numbers in your favor to win. Conversions were up yesterday, which improved the average conversion rate to 344 visitors per signup. There has been a drop in traffic coming from the Lowest Converting Traffic sources. Remember that knowing where NOT to spend your time and money is as important as knowing the Best Converting Traffic sources. Funnel 1 - Early Access Signup - 311 visitors per signup. Matthew P.S. - The best way to see an overview of what you should be doing to maximize your opportunity as a Founder is to watch the training on how I would promote Your Success Advantage as a Founder. The more prospects you can get under you at this point, the greater your chance of getting signups and sales that translate into commissions at all the sites integrated in the email series. Click Here to Watch the Replay of How I Would Promote Your Success Advantage P.P.S. - Here is the Top 50 Founder Leaderboard for number of signups (I am excluded): 1. John Worsham (513 Signups) ... |