Subject: Why I Choose BuildABizOnline vs LeadsLeap

Why I Choose BuildABizOnline vs LeadsLeap

I try to attract INTERESTED subscribers by promoting ways THEY can quickly get on board with REAL Network Marketing by learning how to BUILD THEIR LIST.  This is the MOST IMPORTANT concept anyone in this business MUST LEARN if they want ANY HOPE OF SUCCESS.

Many free funnels are available, and because both BuildABizOnline and LeadsLeap have capabilities to IMPORT pages using SHARE CODES, they tend to be the most popular autoresponders for which these funnels are built.

Both contain a huge menu of NECESSARY functions: page builders, list managers, trackers, rotators, etc.  Both are very CAPABLE systems that are user friendly, well supported and widely used.

Your Autoresponder As a Revenue Stream

There is an aspect that most beginners overlook:  the marketing of the platform itself. Remember, affiliate sales of the PLATFORM can be a GREAT SOURCE OF RESIDUAL COMMISSIONS.  Most autoresponder referrals tend to be LONG TERM subscribers because, if they terminate their subscription, they LOSE ALL THEIR SUBSCRIBERS and CAPTURE PAGES.  All the work they put into list building is GONE because very few autoresponders will allow import of leads, whether from a purchased lead source or organic lead capture from another list manager.

Sure, there is a free version of LeadsLeap, but there are some limits to numbers and functionality unless you upgrade to Pro.  The LeadsLeap Pro upgrade, even with the bonus discount (if you upgrade within 24 hours), is PRICEY in comparison to BuildABizOnline.  LeadsLeap Pro is $23 to $27 per month vs $14 per month for the top level BuildABizOnline Pro Executive.

Both upgraded memberships allow 
  • UNLIMITED campaigns (or lists),
  • UNLIMITED follow-up message streams,
  • UNLIMITED capture pages, trackers, rotators, PDF storage, ad bars, exit pops, etc.
  • Share Codes

While commercial autoresponders like GetResponse and Aweber are excellent, they are PRICED BY THE NUMBER OF SUBSCRIBERS.  As your list grows, so does the monthly cost.

Let's look at residual income.  
  • LeadsLeap Pro earns 50% commission, which is about $10 to $12 per month per Pro referral, but your INVESTMENT is $23 to $27 per month.  
  • BuildABizOnline Pro Executive earns a flat $10 per month per Pro Executive referral.  I am in PROFIT with only two paid referrals with BABO.

It has been my experience that I get fewer FREE LeadsLeap signups than BABO signups that upgrade.  Because of the lower price point, people are more likely to upgrade with BABO, and they are more likely to be retained.

Yes, it IS about MONEY.  Let's face it.  EVERY BUSINESS needs the Tools and Infrastructure to succeed.  An autoresponder is a REQUIREMENT. 

YOU WILL FAIL if you are simply posting affiliate links without CAPTURING THAT LEAD, and BUILDING YOUR LIST!

Suck it up.  This is a BUSINESS, not a hobby.  If you are not willing to INVEST such a nominal amount IN YOUR BUSINESS, please quit now.  It's the AMATEURS, FREEBIE SEEKERS, AND GET-RICH-QUICK hobbyists, and the so-called GURUS that prey on their SHORTCUT TO RICHES mentality that have RUINED Network Marketing.

Try BuildABizOnline.  Since there is little functionality as a free member, go ahead and upgrade to Pro Executive.  It's only $14 per month (most likely a tax deductible expense in your country).  It is not my recommendation, but you can always back down to just Pro for $10 per month, with the downside that you are also sacrificing EARNINGS. Whether Pro or Pro Executive, it's still two referrals to put you in profit.  Spend the $4 and do without a Starbucks.

Join BuildABizOnline.  Click the banner below

By the way, I will provide BABO share codes and images, with full step-by-step instructions, for unique, clever splash pages to promote one of my favorite affiliate programs, GotBackup.  This is something EVERY computer/cellphone/tablet user MUST HAVE to protect their data.


Rich Moyer
YouTube Channels