Subject: What to Expect as a new WorldProfit Silver Member

What to Expect as a new WorldProfit Silver Member

I keep talking about WorldProfit, and embarking on something new can be downright scary, but if you are not succeeding at what you are doing now, maybe it is time to REBOOT, and follow a path that SO many others have gone over the last 28 years... the WorldProfit Silver membership.

I did.  I had PAID mentors, coaches, and gurus to "teach" me about Network Marketing, but they only taught me how to make money FOR THEM.  I did a complete REBOOT with WorldProfit, and learned what the gurus left out of their training.  How to do Network Marketing RIGHT.

So, if you do sign up as a WorldProfit Silver member, I wanted to give you some insight what your first couple weeks would look like.  Yes, you must give it at LEAST 30-60 days of  FOLLOWING THE TRAINING. 

Don't just view the training videos!  DO THE TASKS AS PRESCRIBED in the VIDEOS.

Do NOT skip things you THINK you know.  Play the game. Do  EXACTLY as it tells you in the training.  We're trying to BREAK BAD HABITS, TEACH YOU GOOD HABITS, and MAKE IT ROUTINE AND AUTOMATIC through repetition and practice.  Hmmm... maybe that is why we call it BOOT CAMP. (George Kosch is an ex-military guy after all).

It requires PERSISTENCE and PERSEVERANCE but EVENTUALLY you will see the difference it makes.

Go for it.

Rich Moyer
PlatinumVIP 10+ years

Important Worldprofit Member Tips
Critical Tasks You Need to DO as a New Worldprofit Silver or Platinum VIP Member

New to Worldprofit?  These are the CRITICAL Tasks we suggest you do now to get off to a good start.

1. Once you've received confirmation that your Silver or Platinum Membership is set up, start the Bootcamp Training.

Login to your Dealer Member area and scroll down below the Live Business Center where you see the Monitors talking. There you will see your tasks to start the Bootcamp Training.  (There is also a link to the Bootcamp Training on the left hand menu of the member area). Completing the steps of the Bootcamp are critical because you will be able to activate your bonuses, access your prospects and learn how to use the tools, software, landing pages, traffic  and other resources included in your package.

2. Be prepared to spend some time learning.  

In your Member area, click on the links on the left hand menu so you see all the tools and resources available to you.  Know what it is we offer and how you make money in our program by reading the resources there for you. Review the Commission Table, read the Questions and Answers, see what the services are that Worldprofit offers and how YOU benefit.  Pay attention to ALL the ways you can make money using the Worldprofit System.

3. Locate the Landing Pages ready to use so you can generate some sign ups.

TOP Menu click on AD EXAMPLES.  Then start promoting.

Want to create your own Landing Pages for your affiliate programs?
Use your included LANDING PAGE BUILDER.


4. Attend Bootcamp Training! 

Each Friday George Kosch offers LIVE online training via webcast. It's free for you to attend and you can ask questions and learn direct from George how to use the Worldprofit system.  There is no excuse for missing this training - it is CRITICAL to your understanding of how to use our system to profit online. If you can't attend the live training it is recorded so you can watch later.  People who don't watch the training don't make money. We want you to succeed with our system PLEASE PLEASE take advantage of the training. 

5. Use the Worldprofit Support System.

We are here to help you. We want you to succeed. We want you to use the tools and services in your package. If you have questions about how to use your Worldprofit services, about commissions, how to market your site, etc, complete a Support form linked on the left hand menu in your Member area and we will assist you.