Subject: ViralURL is a great tracking tool, but is also a high CTR traffic source

ViralURL is a great tracking tool, but is also a fantastic traffic source with high CTR's.  See the ViralURL Credit Mailer video.
If you are promoting ANYTHING online, you should be gathering statistics.
Why?  If it is not being measured you cannot improve it.
  • Do you know how many clicks you get in a day?
  • Do you know how many leads?
  • Do you know if your banner ads are getting displayed?
  • Do you know if your emails are being opened?
  • Do you track what programs you are promoting via email marketing, and the number of potential prospects you are sending to?
  • Do you compare number of views vs number of clicks?
  • Do you have the TOOLS to track these things?
If you just blindly send out emails with no sense of how many are being opened and how many clicks you get from each email (Click Through Rates), you might as well call it SPAM.
ViralURL gives you the ability to CLOAK and shorten your links to protect YOUR affiliate commissions, and includes detailed tracking.
Protect Your Affiliate Links
Cloaking PROTECTS your affiliate links from unscrupulous individuals who, with only a couple lines of code, can strip YOUR affiliate ID and substitute their own - STEALING your referrals, YOUR commissions.  
Time Savings
Another reason to use trackers is that you can change the underlying redirect URLs without having to change all the URLs where you posted promotions.  For instance, what if you want to change your lead capture page but don't want to have to go to all the locations where you posted that promotion to change the URL for your capture page there. By using a tracker, you simply go into the tracker and change the redirect URL to your new capture page. You just saved hours of work. 
Business Continuity
This actually kept me in business during the massive power outage in Texas. By using trackers, I was able to redirect all of my capture pages that were hosted on a server in Texas to my other hosting account (server in California) in minutes. 

Many other marketers were dead in the water because they did not have a Business Continuity Plan: their servers were down, they had no backups (I use GotBackup), they did not have  alternate hosting for critical web pages (I have hosting at HostGator and ViralHosts), and they did not use trackers to facilitate a quick changeover (I use ViralURL and HitsConnect).
Tracker + Traffic + Automation
ViralURL is only one component of Frank Bauer and Clinton Clark's suite of Viral List Builder sites that includes
ViralURL, ViralinBox, ViralPLR, ViralHosts, InfinityMailerBoost, and TheListAuction.  
They also have an automation tool called Traffic Zipper that  sends your emails to all these sites and other 3rd party list builders on autopilot.  TZ also includes trackers, URL rotators, and a unique banner rotator feature.
Get the Bundle and Save
Frank is offering an incredible package called the M3 Inner Circle Traffic Bundle that pulls these all together with the necessary upgrades to make this a KILLER automated, high conversion traffic package at an 81% discount. 
Check out the recorded webinar.
The current offer for the M3 Bundle is a great deal at $67 per month.  I was paying $22 for ViralURL and $37 for TrafficZipper.  For $8 more I got the whole bundle.
Check out the sales page.
You can sign up as a free affiliate of each of the products individually, but the whole benefit is not realized until you do the upgrades to get the high CTR traffic, and automation using TrafficZipper.
Once I had gotten set up with M3, and updated the TrafficZipper downline builder with the individual userid/password and referral ID.   I loaded my promos into TrafficZipper, and TZ does my promotions on autopilot.  It checks the sites for available mailings and credits, and automatically sends them out.
Of course, with the M3 sites, credits are taken care of with the upgrades so no clicking is required.

Rich Moyer
YouTube Channel @RichMoyer1953