Subject: Real Life Example - Business Continuity Lessons Learned

Real Life Example - Business Continuity
Lessons Learned
The disastrous Texas power outages in 2021 wreaked havoc on hosted banner ads, landing pages, and websites.  On most safelist sites, there were literally thousands of bad images and broken web links. 
I was personally affected because the primary hosting site I use for banners, graphics, landing pages, and webpages was GVO, located, guess where...  TEXAS.  If people cannot see your banners or know how to access your webpages, your Network Marketing business is OUT OF BUSINESS.
I spent many years as a IT systems engineering manager and planner for a Fortune 500 company, and part of my oversight duties were for Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity planning
It does not matter the type of business, whether an established business or just starting out, how large or small, how much money you make, or how many customers you have.   My own business is not to a Fortune 500 scale, but the thought process is the same.  AND... the key is that I had a PLAN
While everybody else was out of business during the Texas power outage, inside of 1 hour I had 90% of my business operational, my ads showing, getting signups, and yes, even earning commissions (true story).
Find out how I weathered (ha ha) this disaster, the lessons to be learned, and tools I personally used.
See the link below for Links to Resources and Recommendations
Rich Moyer