Subject: Promote Your Affiliate Programs All On One Page, Get BABO Signups

Hey there!

BuildaBizOnline is running a special trial offer, you can have access to ALL our tools for a full 14 days, all for just 1 dollar?

BABO allows members to create a page containing their own affiliate programs that can be shown by promoting a single URL.  Each affiliate program entry can have a banner, description, and affiliate link to that program.

As a Pro Executive member, I get 20 entries on my Programs Page.


Those who have signed up the most referrals to the Buildabizonline downline only promote their Programs Page!

After all, they have all the Affiliate Programs they belong to listed on that page so not only do members get the exposure of their affiliate programs, but they also get BuildABizOnline signups.  It's a win-win situation.

Even better...

Any referrals are shown YOUR PROGRAMS PAGE when they click the bright yellow button in their members area, "Your Sponsor's Programs".

Click the link to see My Programs Page and Join for FREE!

Rich Moyer