Subject: Offer to Help YOU with YOUR Network Marketing Business

Thanks for being a loyal subscriber.  I am writing to offer you free consulting regarding the programs I promote, the tools I use, my traffic sources, and how I make money as a successful Network Marketer.

I am not a "Guru".  In fact, I am different than most marketers in that I am a CONSULTANT FIRSTI am not looking to SELL you anything because both YOU and I get more benefit by me helping YOU succeed and forming a relationship of KNOW, LIKE, and TRUST.  If we build a relationshipeventually, the money will come because people BUY from people they TRUST.

I built a successful post-retirement consulting business after spending 32 years in corporate America, ending as a senior manager at a Fortune 50 company.  My practice as a professional consultant gave me the opportunity to help companies ranging from Ma-and-Pa brick and mortar businesses to Fortune 500 companies, Government, and Military clients.  I am now retired (for the 3rd and final time according to my wife), and have closed my consulting firm after 20 years, but I still mentor SERIOUS clients AT NO COST

What affiliate commissions I earn are put right back into my business to keep the lights burning and traffic flowing so I can continue to look for WORTHWHILE opportunities that I can recommend to my consulting clients.  You see, I USE what I RECOMMEND.  I will recommend the right tools, even for free or at a nominal cost rather than big ticket items with multiple up-sells and unnecessary add-ons.  

By the way, any expenses you incur for programs, tools, and traffic are legitimate business deductions (not loopholes) that can REDUCE your tax liability and possibly get you a larger TAX REFUND.  I can tell you HOW to do this LEGALLY.  You see, tax laws are not created to benefit INDIVIDUALS, but to benefit BUSINESSES.  So, Treat It Like A Business.

I am available to answer any questions or concerns you may have. I can provide this consultation in the form of an email, phone call or even a Skype session.

By offering this free consultation, I want to give you the opportunity to get to know me and my methods better, so you can be more confident when making a business decision of your own. I am here to help you make the best decision for yourself and believe that getting to know me better will help you in that decision.

If you're interested, please let me know and we can arrange a time that works for you.

As a free gift, download my ebook that shares MY secrets of how I send 250,000 to 1 Million or more emails per day.

Best Regards,

Rich Moyer
YouTube Channel @RichMoyer1953