Subject: Launch First Alert for My Subscribers

New Mailer from Frank Bauer
Lifetime Gold for Under 10 Bucks!

I just wanted to give you an early first alert about a very
unique List Mailer advertising platform that is launching on
May 9th.

What makes this project so unique and why is our First Alert
so valuable?

Because the sooner we purchase the lower the price!

Wait, what?

Yep, our good friends Frank Bauer and Clinton Clark are
launching a dynamic pricing list mailer on May 9th and the
sooner after the 5:00 p.m. U.S. Pacific Time launch that you
join and upgrade the lower the price will be for LIFE!

Pricing will start out below $10 and increase $.01 for each
sale and here's what's wild...

The first 2,000 paid members get LIFETIME memberships, full mailing rights to all members (both free and paid!).

Think about it... LIFETIME membership for just a few

Just to be clear, Frank Bauer has launched and still
operates programs such as ViralURL, InfinityTrafficBoost,
ViralHosts and TrafficZipper. 

A lifetime membership with a Frank Bauer program means a
LONG Time!

So, here's the scoop:

Be on the lookout for an email from me right near 5:00 p.m.
U.S. Pacific Time on Tuesday, May 9th.
  In that email will
be a link for you to join and upgrade to get the very best
lifetime list mailer.  You'll want to have your credit card
or crypto ready to go!

Thanks. I'm just delighted to bring this first alert to you and your team and I know it'll benefit us all greatly.

Have a great day and watch for our email!


Rich Moyer